Water is over: Air is the future

e-Flow Technology uses micronization and nebulization to substitute traditional abrasion processes and delivering better performance chemistry (color, softeners, antimicrobials, etc.) by using nanobubbles of air instead of water.

e-Flow K series provides great versatility to finishing processes, reducing the cost of application, saving the amount of water used and ensuring that the correct amount of chemicals stays in the garment and not in the water.

Orion Software

Orion Software

Make your machine management and recipe control easier than ever.

Micronization System

Micronization System

Create a zero-waste process, nanobubbles of air carry a perfect mix of chemicals and water to the garments.



Save with Jeanologia’s e-Flow sustainable processes compared with traditional ones.


Automatic Recipe Execution

Combine e-Flow K and SmartBox events in the same recipe.

Process Versatility

The double tank system of the e-Flow K T and e-Flow K Lab allows great process versatility and production flexibility.


Possibility to do scheduled automatic cleanings, even during a recipe.

Autonomous Model

Model preconfigured to connect to third parties.

Optional Heating System

Nanobubbles heated during micronization allows better performance of chemical reactions. Only for e-Flow K T and e-Flow K Lab.

Set Up

e-Flow K + SmartBox DB420

e-Flow K + SmartBox DB420

e-Flow K T + SmartBox DB420

e-Flow K T + SmartBox DB420

e-Flow K Lab + Mambo 18

e-Flow K Lab + Mambo 18

e-Flow K Lab + Mambo 60

e-Flow K Lab + Mambo 60


  • Nanobubble Micronization

    1.000.000 bubbles/cm³

  • Tank Capacity

    e-Flow K - 150 l
    e-Flow K T - 2 x 150 l
    e-Flow K Lab - 2 x 15 l

  • Operating Modes

    e-Flow K - Micronization & Liquid All-in
    e-Flow K T - Micronization, Liquid Dosing System & Liquid All-in
    e-Flow K Lab - Micronization, Liquid Dosing System & Liquid All-in

  • Heating System

    e-Flow K - No
    e-Flow K T - Optional
    e-Flow K Lab - Optional

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